What You Need To Know Before Joining A Disabled Dating Club

Joining a disabled dating club can be a great way to meet people, who are in similar circumstances to yourself. A disabled dating club is in part a place to socialize and gain support and also a place to find potential partners. There are both online and real world disabled dating clubs, each of which each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

One of the great things about joining a disabled dating club, is that you are able to meet and date people in an environment where your disability will not place you at a disadvantage. All the members of the disability dating club are in similar circumstances. At a disabled dating club your disability is what makes you unique and special and is not seen as something that you need to hide or to play down.

Another great aspect of disabled dating clubs is the support that is offered. Members of the disabled dating club will offer dating advice and strategies that have helped them. Gaining advice from other people with disabilities, who understand your unique challenges can be invaluable. Also the lack of judgement that you experience in a disability dating club, can make them a more welcoming environment, than typical social environments such as speed dating, bars or online dating sites. In order to find a disabled dating club in your own area, simply perform a Google search using the phrase disabled dating club + your city name. Alternatively there are some disabled dating clubs which have Facebook fanpages where you can learn more about the club and communicate with members.

The other type of disabled dating club is the online variety. Online disabled dating clubs are great because you are not limited by physical location. Many small towns and cities do not have their own disabled dating clubs but anyone can join an online dating club. The other great thing about online dating clubs, is that you are able to communicate and interact with members whenever you like. You can learn a lot about prospective dating partners before you actually meet them in person.

When joining an online disabled dating club make sure that you fill in your online profile in as much detail as possible. Also you want to include a recent but well shot photo. Make sure that you are neatly groomed and well dressed in the photo that you select. Usually it is best to have someone else take the photo and avoid using webcams, as these photos invariably make you look bad. It is important when online dating to keep things positive. People are attracted to people who they believe will make their life better. While disabled dating clubs are a great place to get support, make sure that you are not seen as overly negative, as this will make it harder to attract the type of person that you desire.

Joining a disabled dating club whether it is a real world one or online, can be a great way to improve your romantic life. People who join these clubs are actively looking for love themselves and understand what it is like to date with a disability. There is only one original disabled dating club, established since 2004! Join us now!

5 Tips For Disability People Dating

All humans beings irrespective of their various temperaments, desire to feel loved. People with disabilities are often discouraged from dating, as they are told they will end up getting more hurt and frustrated. But today we’ll get to talk about disability people dating and shatter the myth that has for a long time prevented a large number of disabled people from dating.

Before we proceed to look at the 5 tips for disability people dating, let us mention that anyone who is interested in disability people dating, should know that happiness is a personal agenda and as such, they should not give much thought into the negativity that others might direct at them. Instead follow their heart with the knowledge that happiness and love is a universal gift, which we all have a right to experience.

5 Tips For Disability People Dating

Be Social-The first thing that anyone who is interested in disability people dating should ensure, is to go out and have fun with their friends e.g. in parties or other social events. The main reason why socializing is important, is because love cannot find you seated at home. Hence you have to put yourself out there, in order to find someone who is interested in you.

Be Yourself-Make sure that you are yourself 100% of the time and not just pretending to be someone you are not. If someone is interested in the person you pretend to be, a time will come when they will know the real you and you might just lose them. If you are yourself, you can be sure that your relationship with them will be honest and real from the beginning.

Be Fun To Hang Out With-Try as much as possible to be lively with the person you have feelings for, because no one is interested to be around dull people, who are full of sadness and grief.

Make Sure It’s True Love-Another important thing that anyone who is interested in disability people dating should ensure, is to make sure they are indeed in love and not just having a crush on someone. The main reason why people ought to be careful, is because a crush comes and goes, but love is always there to stay. One needs to make sure that they indeed have deep feelings for the person they want to date, before going to the next step.

Express Your Feelings-The other step which gives many people butterflies in the stomach, involves expressing your feelings to the person, who you feel attracted to. Let us say that it’s of no benefit to fantasize about someone you have feelings for, since it’ll only eat you up from the inside. Hence one should instead express their feelings to them and if they feel the same way, then the rest of the journey will be easier. But if they don’t, then you have to pick yourself up and don’t give up on finding love, because we all have someone who is right for us, somewhere in the world.

Dating Made Easy For The Physically Disabled

It is daunting for most people to be in the dating scene. Meeting someone you actually like can be quite a task, coupled up with those awkward first meetings, those nagging insecurities at the back of your mind and of course disappointments, that you are likely to face, before you meet “the right one”. This reality is especially true for the physically disabled. Finding someone you can connect with and accepts you as you are, can be quite a nightmare. You might think that it is a far fetched dream, but it might closer to you than you think; it could be just a click away.

Online Dating For The Physically Disabled

Welcome to the world of internet dating. By simply entering your details into a dating site, you can be matched with that special potential lover, spouse or even just a friend. Most of this sites are absolutely free, or have an affordable membership fee. Best of all, they are open for anyone to join! It does not matter whether you are physically disabled or not. Contrary to popular belief , there are some people who are not physically disabled, but are interested in dating someone who is. So don’t limit yourself , be open minded and you might be surprised that your soul mate is a’ little different’.

Types Of Online Dating Services

There is a wide range of dating services for the disabled online. Divided into General disability and the specific disability online dating services.

  • General disability.
    In this type of dating site, anybody with any impairment can enlist as a member. It does not target a certain niche of disabled persons. The blind can join, the amputees , the deaf , those on wheelchairs, everyone is welcome. This type of dating site offers variety, (variety is the spice of life after all).
  • Specific online dating services.
    What if you specifically want someone who is visually impaired and not someone who has a hearing impairment? There is nothing wrong with knowing what you want.Some sites target a certain niche of disabled persons For example there are some sites that target wheelchair dating or amputees dating exclusively.

Other services offered on disabled dating sites.

In addition to dating services, these sites offer other useful services and information to their users. They may have sage advice on how to take care of yourself, true life stories and experiences of people who are physically challenged, technological improvements and scientific breakthroughs, that may better assist you and insightful articles, on how to empower yourself. Want an avenue to share your experiences and vent your frustrations? Some sites offer you this option.

So what are you waiting for, join a disabled dating site and you could be closer to finding that special connection.

Disability And Dating

In the past, the two terms- disability and dating, were rarely found together. In fact, the two words seemed utterly contradictory. Meeting someone special was a task in itself. Those who did find someone, found it all but impossible to spend time as a couple outside of the home. Throughout history, transportation and venues with accommodations for those having disabilities were hard to locate and were most times very costly. Viable options, even for those with plenty of financial benefit, were once very limited. Both transportation and accessibility of venues have proven to be great hurdles in the lives of most. These issues have made dating ventures for those with disabilities extremely hard to plan at best, and even harder to actually accomplish. Because of these circumstances, many have resolved to living less active lives with little or no dating.

The limitations of the past were met with fury and disapproval in the past. Determined to optimize the ability of all to live an active and enjoyable life, change was initiated. Through the efforts of many organizations and groups, the Americans with Disabilities Act was instituted in 1990. Accessibility of transportation and large public venues were key issues addressed within this set of laws. The impact of this act has been enormous and has proven beneficial to improving the lives of those living with disabilities. It has also served to make the various issues of those with disabilities known to the public at large.

Over the last several years, the roads and doors of freedom have begun to open for those with disabilities. Mandated accommodations have been made to ensure equal accessibility to public transportation. These improvements have been made so that everyone can effectively get from place to place. Public venues such as parks, stadiums, coliseums, etc have also been required to take steps to grant easy access to all. Many restaurants and small businesses have opened their eyes to the millions of Americans with disabilities, and more see the great value in doing so each day. Public and private institutions have made great strides to ensure that all who wish to can take full advantage of their services. These actions have broken down many barriers, which once made dating nearly impossible for those living with disabilities. Dating is no longer a luxury available to only those without disabilities- it is a very achievable reality for all.

It has never been easier to get out and do something! A fair amount of planning is unavoidable, but little more than what anyone would reasonably be expected to prepare for any date. Public transportation, where available, makes it easy to get from point A to point B and cater to those who have disabilities. Dining, movies, events, concerts, shopping, and much more are among the possibilities. With a wide and constantly expanding range of options, the choices are virtually endless. Anyone can easily find something they will enjoy doing. Today, the eager world awaits you and your sweetheart with open arms- come on out and enjoy it.

Can Disabled Dating Bring Hope?

Many disabled persons do not believe that they have any hope in dating. This is understandable based on the challenges that people with disabilities have. Usually, not many ordinary people are willing to date disabled people, which makes it difficult for those affected, to have any hope of meeting that special person. However, away from the pessimistic outlook of disability dating, there is hope for those with such challenges to find true and lasting love. This is because there are individuals and organizations that have come up with dating clubs and communities for disabled people online.

Disabled Dating Clubs Are The Solution

Every person has the right of being happy, by living a fulfilling life. Love and intimacy are part of the happiness that any person should enjoy. Such needs were not only created for ordinary people, but, rather those with disabilities are equally entitled to being happy. The advantage of disability dating is that it provides members with freedom of self expression. Many disabled people shy away from expressing their feelings to family and friends, for fear of being misunderstood. However, the scenario is very different at the online disabled dating clubs, where such impairments and handicaps are openly talked about, without the fear of being judged. Disabled dating has greatly assisted many to enjoy a normal life.

It is vital to note that disabled people are similar to ordinary people, only that they are faced with a different set of challenges. Disabled dating is categorized into mental and physical disabilities. Usually, members are asked to fill out their personal profile on the dating clubs, which assists others in narrowing down their search, when looking for their soul mate. Once you have identified a suitable profile, feel free to establish initial contact. Notably, a lot of patience is required in finding the right person. This is similarly in the contemporary world, that is full of heartbreaks.

Undeniably, disabled dating clubs have given hope to disabled persons. This is because such platforms provide an avenue in which people with disabilities are able to interact, share experiences and find love. Research has proved that thousands of relationships have blossomed at the disabled dating communities. It is amazing how much hope is brought back to a disabled person who finds true love.

Yes, disabled dating can bring hope! This is true in this day and age, when the internet places no boundary on geographical location. People from all over the world are able to join the disabled dating communities. Usually, these websites offer free membership and have exciting activities for the members. Online chat is rather common at these platforms since members are able to interact on a one on one basis with ease. The video chat function is also commonly used, and it allows one to view the body language of the other person. Bear in mind though, that if you choose to join a free disabled dating site, that profiles will not be moderated and may be fake and communication options will be limited.

Therefore, disabled dating brings lots of hope. Those with disabilities can find true love by joining the disability dating communities. Many have succeeded at making new friends at this communities.

What You Should Know About Online Disabled Dating

When it comes to disabled dating, a lot of us would agree that in the past, it was challenging for a disabled man or woman, to find a date. This is a challenge most disabled people have been facing. However, things are different now. with the introduction of online dating for the disabled, a move which has given hope to those living with one or more types of disability. They are now able to meet new people, without leaving the comfort of their homes, interact and possibly form friendships with them. Such friendships when handled very well, usually lead to relationships among these disabled people.

Although it is true that due to your disability, which could be by birth, as a result of a fatal accident or even illness, you could be socially isolated, this can be changed. The moment you meet and start interacting with a few friends, on any of the websites designed specifically for disabled dating, you will find out that your social life is no longer drab like it used to be. Online dating gives you the opportunity to interact and possibly date somebody, who is a good fit for you, based mainly on your interests, which are visible on your dating profile.

In order to make the most of this opportunity, it is better not to have unreasonably high hopes. Online dating should be seen in almost the same way, as normal physical dating. This means that things won’t be all rosy. There are bound to be obstacles to be scaled over. So as to avoid a situation where your ego is dashed, it is advised that you exercise maximum caution when dating online. Don’t expect too much, since every relationship might not lead to marriage, especially if that is what you want from your dating experience.

If you are interested in disabled dating online, carrying out a search online to find a site that offers various types of dating services, will be of immense help. Depending on your type of disability, you are sure to find sites catering for the dating needs of amputees, wheelchair, visually impaired, people with speech impairment and others. While there are sites for young singles, there are also sites for mature dating as well. When you find the right site, you can choose to look up information concerning other members and find friends and potential dates.

Although these websites give you a head start as far as disabled dating is concerned, the rest is up to you. It becomes your decision to give more into your relationship. Giving more might include emotional feelings and financial support as the case may be. Caution must be exercised in this regard. If you are still uncertain whether the person can be trusted, don’t give out your residential address and any information pertaining to your credit cards and passwords to sensitive accounts. Just take your time and if the relationship finally turns out to be a good match, go ahead and make the most of it.

A Guide To Disabled Travel, What You Need To Know

Disabled travel also known as accessible travel, is the traveling by people who have disabilities. With this travel being on the rise, the industries involved with transportation, are waking up to the special needs of travelers, who are disabled by making the availability of accommodation and services more readily available.

At the same time, the information that is available on disabled travel, is more readily available than it was in the past, with most of this information made available by disabled travelers.

Disabled travelers are protected by the law, in ensuring that they receive the same treatment as everyone else. This seems to be true on paper, but in the real world and especially in some foreign nations, where regulations vary from place to place, this is far from the truth.

Accessible travelers, more often than not, face several challenges such as higher fares, prejudice, misinformation, inadequate facilities as compared to the rest. Below are 5 tips that are essential for disabled travelers:

Health And Safety Tips For Disabled Travelers

  1. Be Clear And Specific On The Severity Of Your Disability
    Always be clear and specific while giving details on your disability, since not every service provider understands the medical terms, or jargon of disabled travel. Be sure to inform the service providers of exactly what you can and cannot do, so as to avoid a scenario where you downplay the needs of your disability. This will also go a long way in ensuring that your accommodation is going to be smooth.
  2. Do Call Ahead
    Make sure to call ahead, so as to allow your service providers to make the necessary arrangements and also don’t forget to mention your needs, while making your reservations. It is prudent to call a day or two prior to the date of your arrival, so as to confirm that the necessary arrangements for your accommodation have been, or will be met, on your arrival.
  3. Give Your Doctor A Detailed Description Of Your Trip
    Your doctor will always give you proper ways of handling and dealing with the pitfalls of long flights and advise you on how to get the best medical care in the places that you will be visiting. On rare occasions, your doctor may even advise you to cancel your trip, if he/ she is of the opinion that it would be unsafe for you to travel to your preferred destination.
  4. Try As Much As You Can To Avoid Connecting Flights
    Flying on a direct flight will definitely save you the hassle and time that it takes with connecting flights, but in the case where using airline toilets prove to be a bit difficult for you, then you might want to consider connecting flights to your destination.
  5. Don’t Forget To Have Your Doctors Phone Number And Details With You
    It is advisable to have a letter from your doctor with you, that clearly explains your condition, special needs, likely complications and other relevant information. Also, ensure that you have a doctor’s number, that can be reached any time of the day, in the case of an emergency.

If you follow these tips, then disabled travel need not be a hassle.

People With A Disability Have A Chance Too!

So, when was the last time YOU were on a date?

Doesn’t it always seem like only the fit, healthy people get a chance at dating that one beautiful girl? Well, this is only a myth, because thousands of people with disabilities go on regular dates and keep their sex lives healthy, all across the globe.

If you are one of those people with a disability and you are having trouble finding your soul mate, then you have already made the first step towards a better and brighter future by reading this article.

In the United States, basketball player Zac Bradley was informed by his doctor, that he would never be able to walk again, after a major car accident. Did this stop him from achieving his goals? No, he kept his head down, worked hard to get back into shape and went out into the world to find his perfect match. Eventually, with his wheelchair and his positive mindset, he found the perfect woman who, we might add, recently became his wife.

Yes, people with a disability, or multiple disabilities, are disadvantaged in life compared to your average Joe, but if you think that this will make you unable to find the perfect relationship, then you are wrong.

First of all, the reaction that you do not want when talking to a woman, is that of pity or sorrow. You do not want them to look at you and say: “Oh, what a poor soul!”.

What you do want is for them to admire you and look up to you and see that no matter what life throws at you, you’re able to take it all in and make the best out of it.

So, in essence, the first thing that you need to change is your attitude. Without the correct mindset, any and all effort you put in to anything you do, will always be fruitless.

Secondly, whether you have a disability or not, looking good never hurts. A small wardrobe change, a few trips to the gym and regularly shaving, face washing and brushing your teeth are all smart efforts, that can be easily added into your life at a tiny cost, but which will completely change your life.

Finally, you must always keep in mind that no matter what your situation is, if you do not go out, you will not find yourself a date. Whether you use dating websites, or prefer the old fashioned courting on the street, if you are never out and about, you will never have a chance to meet the woman/man of your dreams.

With all of this said, we feel the need to remind you, that no matter who you are, or what situation you are in, it is always essential to maintain a good relationships with the people around you, whether they be family, friends or strangers you bump into. Being mean, grumpy or having a negative mindset, will always push people away from you.

Contrary to popular belief, the buff, tough and mean guy doesn’t always get the girl!

The American Disability Association


The American Disability Association was created in 1991. Although the name of the organization implies that their reach extends to only to the fifty states within the United States, the envelopment of their cause goes far wider, stretching from Uruguay to Alaska, and their positive impact has been felt and acknowledged all over the world. Since its inception, the American Disability Association has been dedicated to improving the lives of people living with disabilities locally, nationally, and globally.


The intent of the American Disability Association is to offer information to people with disabilities, to increase the awareness and understanding of the general public of the issues faced by those within the community of disabled people, and to better the lives and increase the access to freedom of individuals, with disabilities and their entire community.

Sponsorship And Methods

The mission and goals of the American Disability Association are funded by the donations of individuals and through the sponsorship and partnership of private and public entities. By creating bonds between like-minded people and groups, the organization seeks to build healthy relationships based on free-sharing of information and understanding throughout the entire global community. The organization relies heavily upon the internet community to create bridges through which fruitful interactions can take place.

Achievements And Current Projects

In 1992, the American Disability Association launched ADAnet, an internet-based international community, aimed at serving the global community of people with disabilities, by creating newsgroups pertaining to disabilities. Through the great newsgroup expansion, the organization was able to influence the perfecting of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many of these groups are still very active today.

The American Disability Association worked from 1997 through 2007, to create a greater understanding of the relationship of diversity and disability and the impact one has on the other. Surveys received by every-day people with disabilities, led the organization to begin a documentary film entitled Disability in the Americas. Sadly, this effort was halted in 1998. The organization continues to believe in the benefit this project will offer and remains hopeful that this important work can be completed.

In 2010, the American Disability Association paired up with the US Census Bureau, to address the impact of the financial and economic statue of the nation upon people with disabilities. The organization also maintains a close partnership with the Special Victims Unit of the Department of Justice. In 2010 and 2011, The American Disability Association joined the RefleXions Image Discrimination Campaign in its effort to raise awareness of image discrimination.

Services For Those With Disabilities

In addition to its local, national, and global projects, the American Disability Association offers a wide range of information and resources, specifically for members of the community of individuals with disabilities. Information is made available through links on the organization’s website. This information can be utilized for purpose of educating people of the historical and present-day laws and rights, which apply to people with disabilities. The organization also offers links to various resources, such as public and private organizations, that offer assistance to individuals with disabilities.