5 Tips For Disability People Dating

All humans beings irrespective of their various temperaments, desire to feel loved. People with disabilities are often discouraged from dating, as they are told they will end up getting more hurt and frustrated. But today we’ll get to talk about disability people dating and shatter the myth that has for a long time prevented a large number of disabled people from dating.

Before we proceed to look at the 5 tips for disability people dating, let us mention that anyone who is interested in disability people dating, should know that happiness is a personal agenda and as such, they should not give much thought into the negativity that others might direct at them. Instead follow their heart with the knowledge that happiness and love is a universal gift, which we all have a right to experience.

5 Tips For Disability People Dating

Be Social-The first thing that anyone who is interested in disability people dating should ensure, is to go out and have fun with their friends e.g. in parties or other social events. The main reason why socializing is important, is because love cannot find you seated at home. Hence you have to put yourself out there, in order to find someone who is interested in you.

Be Yourself-Make sure that you are yourself 100% of the time and not just pretending to be someone you are not. If someone is interested in the person you pretend to be, a time will come when they will know the real you and you might just lose them. If you are yourself, you can be sure that your relationship with them will be honest and real from the beginning.

Be Fun To Hang Out With-Try as much as possible to be lively with the person you have feelings for, because no one is interested to be around dull people, who are full of sadness and grief.

Make Sure It’s True Love-Another important thing that anyone who is interested in disability people dating should ensure, is to make sure they are indeed in love and not just having a crush on someone. The main reason why people ought to be careful, is because a crush comes and goes, but love is always there to stay. One needs to make sure that they indeed have deep feelings for the person they want to date, before going to the next step.

Express Your Feelings-The other step which gives many people butterflies in the stomach, involves expressing your feelings to the person, who you feel attracted to. Let us say that it’s of no benefit to fantasize about someone you have feelings for, since it’ll only eat you up from the inside. Hence one should instead express their feelings to them and if they feel the same way, then the rest of the journey will be easier. But if they don’t, then you have to pick yourself up and don’t give up on finding love, because we all have someone who is right for us, somewhere in the world.

Dating Tips For People With Special Needs

If you are a disabled person, you might be a bit nervous about the prospect of dating. Dating might seem more difficult than it would be if you didn’t have a disability, but this doesn’t mean that you should give up on the idea of meeting a special someone. You deserve to be happy and you might be surprised by the great people that you can meet, who will more than tolerant of your disability. However, you should follow a few tips about dating for special needs people, in order to get the best experience while dating.

Don’t Let Your Disability Get You Down

It can be easy to become depressed when you have a disability, but you shouldn’t let your disability affect your everyday life, any more than it has to. If you are down and out, it will be difficult for you to find someone for a few reasons. First of all, you might be too nervous to try to find someone to date. Secondly, you probably won’t be much fun to be around, if you put too much focus on your disability. Even if you think that you are having a difficult time finding a date because of your disability, you might find that dating is only difficult because of your attitude about your disability.

Be Honest

Although you might be tempted to fib a little about your disability, it is important to be up-front and honest with any potential suitors, from the beginning. It will be difficult to establish a good relationship, if you start it out with a lie and your potential significant other will have a difficult time understanding you and your needs, if you aren’t honest. The individual might also be hurt later on, if he or she finds out that you were lying about your disability.

Consider Meeting Others With Disabilities

There are a few reasons to consider dating someone else, who has a disability. First of all, you are giving someone else who suffers from issues like you do, a chance for happiness. Secondly, you might have a lot in common, if you date someone else who has a disability. Therefore, using a site for dating for special needs people might be the perfect way to meet the perfect someone.

Don’t Give Up

Dating can be a challenge for anyone who is looking to meet a special someone, whether they suffer from disabilities or not. Therefore, you should be prepared to meet a few people, who aren’t right for you, or to get frustrated every now and then. You shouldn’t let the troubles with dating get you down, however. Instead, enjoy meeting the friends that you meet along the way and try to maintain a good attitude, while you are looking for the right person for you. If you do, you are sure to get the outcome that you have been searching for in the end and you will have a great time with dating for special needs people, along the way.

5 Simple Disabled Dating Tips To Help You Find Love

Living with a disability does not mean you cannot have the romantic life that you desire. As you will see below many of the attributes that people with disabilities develop can actually help them when it comes to dating. Here you will find the top 5 disabled dating tips to help you in your quest for love.

1. Don’t Use Your Disability As An Excuse

Finding the right person is difficult for anybody, no matter what their personal circumstances may be. Everyone also suffers a certain amount of rejection on the road to finding love. It is easy when faced with rejection to blame the problem solely on your disability. However using your disability as an excuse, makes it is easy to give up rather than to try again. All people have things about their lives that they cannot change, so focus on the areas that you can improve and accept those that you cannot.

2. Be Persistent

You need to truly believe that there is the right person out there for you. Finding that person requires that you are persistent in your efforts. Online dating is in particular a numbers game, so make sure that you are meeting and approaching enough people, to find the right one. Have the mindset that any rejection you experience, is simply pushing you closer to meeting the right person for you.

3. Use Online Dating

Online dating is a great environment for people with a disability. Because you will be talking over the internet at first, you are able to make a connection before you actually meet. If you can create this connection through your words, then you will find that your in person dates will go much better. There are also dating sites and Facebook groups which cater specifically for people with disabilities.

4. Turn Your Disability Into An Asset

How you perceive your disability will make a significant difference as to how others perceive it as well. For example, a disability can allow you to have a greater degree of compassion for the problems that your potential partner might be experiencing. Where as someone else might skip over these problems, because they are primarily focused on their own needs, you will be more likely to take the time to really listen. People are looking for a deeper level of connection and will see the that you can offer something that they can’t find elsewhere.

5. Focus On Making The Connection First

It is important to be honest about yourself, but make sure that you form a connection first. When people use online dating, they are looking for ways to quickly filter out potential daters. Depending on your disability, you may want to explain about it before meeting, or you may find that this is unnecessary. Either way make sure that you allow people to get to know you before making it an issue.

A Guide To Disabled Travel, What You Need To Know

Disabled travel also known as accessible travel, is the traveling by people who have disabilities. With this travel being on the rise, the industries involved with transportation, are waking up to the special needs of travelers, who are disabled by making the availability of accommodation and services more readily available.

At the same time, the information that is available on disabled travel, is more readily available than it was in the past, with most of this information made available by disabled travelers.

Disabled travelers are protected by the law, in ensuring that they receive the same treatment as everyone else. This seems to be true on paper, but in the real world and especially in some foreign nations, where regulations vary from place to place, this is far from the truth.

Accessible travelers, more often than not, face several challenges such as higher fares, prejudice, misinformation, inadequate facilities as compared to the rest. Below are 5 tips that are essential for disabled travelers:

Health And Safety Tips For Disabled Travelers

  1. Be Clear And Specific On The Severity Of Your Disability
    Always be clear and specific while giving details on your disability, since not every service provider understands the medical terms, or jargon of disabled travel. Be sure to inform the service providers of exactly what you can and cannot do, so as to avoid a scenario where you downplay the needs of your disability. This will also go a long way in ensuring that your accommodation is going to be smooth.
  2. Do Call Ahead
    Make sure to call ahead, so as to allow your service providers to make the necessary arrangements and also don’t forget to mention your needs, while making your reservations. It is prudent to call a day or two prior to the date of your arrival, so as to confirm that the necessary arrangements for your accommodation have been, or will be met, on your arrival.
  3. Give Your Doctor A Detailed Description Of Your Trip
    Your doctor will always give you proper ways of handling and dealing with the pitfalls of long flights and advise you on how to get the best medical care in the places that you will be visiting. On rare occasions, your doctor may even advise you to cancel your trip, if he/ she is of the opinion that it would be unsafe for you to travel to your preferred destination.
  4. Try As Much As You Can To Avoid Connecting Flights
    Flying on a direct flight will definitely save you the hassle and time that it takes with connecting flights, but in the case where using airline toilets prove to be a bit difficult for you, then you might want to consider connecting flights to your destination.
  5. Don’t Forget To Have Your Doctors Phone Number And Details With You
    It is advisable to have a letter from your doctor with you, that clearly explains your condition, special needs, likely complications and other relevant information. Also, ensure that you have a doctor’s number, that can be reached any time of the day, in the case of an emergency.

If you follow these tips, then disabled travel need not be a hassle.

People With A Disability Have A Chance Too!

So, when was the last time YOU were on a date?

Doesn’t it always seem like only the fit, healthy people get a chance at dating that one beautiful girl? Well, this is only a myth, because thousands of people with disabilities go on regular dates and keep their sex lives healthy, all across the globe.

If you are one of those people with a disability and you are having trouble finding your soul mate, then you have already made the first step towards a better and brighter future by reading this article.

In the United States, basketball player Zac Bradley was informed by his doctor, that he would never be able to walk again, after a major car accident. Did this stop him from achieving his goals? No, he kept his head down, worked hard to get back into shape and went out into the world to find his perfect match. Eventually, with his wheelchair and his positive mindset, he found the perfect woman who, we might add, recently became his wife.

Yes, people with a disability, or multiple disabilities, are disadvantaged in life compared to your average Joe, but if you think that this will make you unable to find the perfect relationship, then you are wrong.

First of all, the reaction that you do not want when talking to a woman, is that of pity or sorrow. You do not want them to look at you and say: “Oh, what a poor soul!”.

What you do want is for them to admire you and look up to you and see that no matter what life throws at you, you’re able to take it all in and make the best out of it.

So, in essence, the first thing that you need to change is your attitude. Without the correct mindset, any and all effort you put in to anything you do, will always be fruitless.

Secondly, whether you have a disability or not, looking good never hurts. A small wardrobe change, a few trips to the gym and regularly shaving, face washing and brushing your teeth are all smart efforts, that can be easily added into your life at a tiny cost, but which will completely change your life.

Finally, you must always keep in mind that no matter what your situation is, if you do not go out, you will not find yourself a date. Whether you use dating websites, or prefer the old fashioned courting on the street, if you are never out and about, you will never have a chance to meet the woman/man of your dreams.

With all of this said, we feel the need to remind you, that no matter who you are, or what situation you are in, it is always essential to maintain a good relationships with the people around you, whether they be family, friends or strangers you bump into. Being mean, grumpy or having a negative mindset, will always push people away from you.

Contrary to popular belief, the buff, tough and mean guy doesn’t always get the girl!

Dating Services For Those With A Disability

You want your soul mate either because you are tired of being alone, or you want to try something new, other than what you can find on a regular online site. There are many available dating services that you can use to get a date, as a person with a disability.

Try A Local Dating Club

You should try a local dating club. Thankfully, most of these clubs also offer services for people with disability. You should be able to check and try this out. Usually, local dating clubs meet at particular times of the week. You should frequent the club at those dates and time. It goes without saying that you should groom yourself to increase your chances of getting a date. Such clubs are probably the least pricey.

Try Premium Matching Service

By trying a premium matching service, you increase the pool of potential dates. Your local dating club may not have the variety you need, when it comes to the number of people with disability. A premium matching service links you to the kind of person you are looking for a fee. This is convenient for you, as the matching service does all the work and you get to enjoy the nice dates. This is worth giving a try, if you have the means, as most of these services have a higher price tag.

Speed Dating

Speed dating is the best way to go if you are pressed for time. Speed dating services are also a fun way of getting to know people, who you may later choose to hang out with, or hopefully form lasting friendships with. Look for a speed dating service that caters for the special needs, or people with disability. You do not want to be like some of us, who have attended such services and felt left out. You also need to make sure that if the service does mix people with disability, with those who do not have a disability, both parties know this beforehand.

Try Online Services

You should be able to try the many online services that are currently available. Choose a credible website, as some sites are used by fraudsters to steal personal information. Online sites offer the convenience of you being able to get a date in the comfort of your own home. While this looks inviting, some of us have tried sites that you end up scoring a date only to later meet the person in real life and be surprised of how different they look from their online description. Hence the importance of choosing credible online sites, like Disabled Dating Club, established since 2004!

Go The Old Fashioned Way

Go the old fashioned way and go out there and get yourself a date. Despite the conveniences of modern dating services, there is nothing as exhilarating as going out there and getting yourself a date. For a person with disability, you can choose to go to the specific clubs, that only cater for people with disability, for a more fruitful date hunting night out.

Paving The Road – Traveling With Physical Disabilities

Like any other type of person, people with physical disabilities enjoy traveling and vacations. For too long, the needs of the disabled community have not been recognized where traveling is concerned, nor do the general public recognize that people with disabilities can and do travel. Fortunately, our world is evolving and accessibility is now a buzz word in reference to the disabled community. Many areas of our society are making steps to provide accessibility to those in need. One of these areas are in traveling with a disability.

Firstly, most urban areas in North America are running accessible transit systems, taxi cabs and trains. For example, in the Canadian capital city of Ottawa, a person using a wheelchair or mobility scooter, can use a ramp system and ride most transit routes and with any taxi company, while seated in their device. At this time, there is still a short route train system called the O-Train, which is fully accessible in the same way. While still a work in progress, Ottawa is a model for accessible traveling within a city setting. All key tourism sites are easily accessed with minimal advanced planning.

On a larger scale, traveling abroad is developing. Most planes, trains and buses are not immediately accessible and require some advanced arrangements for traveling by wheelchair, or mobility scooter. These modes of travel will involve assistance from staff to use and your device may not even be able to travel with you, based on cargo limitations. At this time, we understand that boat cruises are known to be primarily accessible by wheelchairs, or mobility scooters and oftentimes, require little to no advanced planning to board with these devices. It would probably be most advisable to create a “scouted itinerary”, no matter the mode of travel, or vacation destination to assure no gaps in accessibility.

With this in mind, one should know the accessibility of accommodations, restaurants and land marks to assure that these can be visited by wheelchair, or mobility scooter. Outside of North America, there will be a broad range of accessibility issues, as some countries and continents are far less developed for people with physical disabilities. While booking with a travel agent may be of great assistance, there will be some destinations that are challenging to near impossible, for people using wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

To visit places with remote access, would rely on one’s own abilities, bravado and creativity. A person with physical disabilities can easily choose to turn their travels into an activist vacation and educate others on creating accessibility. Physical disabilities are an international issue and experienced by all persons throughout the world. Adequate accessibility for people with wheelchairs and mobility scooters are not.

Depending on the chosen destination, a person using a wheelchair, or mobility scooter, may need to ask a couple of people to carry them up the stairs of a tourism site, to view it in its entirety. This becomes a personal choice on how to create accessibility, based on a comfort level. Remember, it takes some amount of courage for most people to ask for assistance in a foreign land and a person with physical disabilities is no different that way.

In closing, let’s simply ditch the stigma of people with physical disabilities not taking vacations. These dreams and journeys are entirely possible. Dare to dream them and make them happen.